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Under Five and Flourishing
30 March 2019 at 8.00 am - 5.00 pm
£10.0030 March 2019 – A day of encouragement and exploration for anyone engaging with our youngest children held at Hartpury College.
Whether you spend time with toddlers on a regular basis, or are thinking about setting up a toddler group, this is a fantastic opportunity not to miss. Join us for a day dedicated to engaging with children under five years and their parents/guardians. The variety of workshops led by experienced practitioners and an inspirational keynote speaker will leave you wanting more and feeling empowered.
The keynote speaker Jo Gordon is founder and Director of Daniels Den. What initially started as a small group of people from her church meeting once a week has now grown to meet the needs of families and the community.
Toddler groups have often been referred to as the ‘hidden treasure of this nation’ they are places where adults and children find a genuinely warm welcome, where all ages can build relationships which matter, learn skills, grow in community and experience faith in new ways. Jo will expand on the significance of toddler groups in contemporary society with stories of inspiration and encouragement for all.
Lunch and refreshments provided. Please advise of any specific dietary requirements.
Cost: £10 per person to a maximum of £30, more people may attend but you only pay for three places per toddler group or church. To book either download brochure or use the online booking form. Before booking, each attendee needs to select one morning and one afternoon workshop to attend.
Book online here
Or book via this printable form
Workshop Details
Please choose two workshops from the list below when booking:
Workshop 1 (a.m. and p.m.) Flourishing families; supporting parents in need – Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers
Learn about domestic abuse, mental ill health and substance misuse and the impact that has on children and families, and what support is available to families. Explore how to respond to parents when they have these issues and learn how to safely raise concerns about children and families.
Workshop 2 (a.m. and p.m.) Wild Worship – Rachel Summers – forest school practitioner and author of Wild Lent and Wild Advent
Could local wild spaces offer under 5s a place of freedom and joy to explore their spirituality? Gain ideas to use a wild space near you, a naturally sensory play based experience, where children can meet God through creation. Let’s allow children to listen to God through the natural world.
Workshop 3 (a.m.) Learning through play; what really matters? – Lucy Waterman, Love Early Years
Looking at ‘play and exploration’, ‘active learning’ and ‘creativity’ we will have some fun and see how God loves us all to play, explore, be active inside and outdoors. Do the youngest children in our churches have the opportunities to learn and connect with God in these three ways? Gain practical ideas to take away and try.
Workshop 4 (a.m.) The joys and challenges of working in a multi-cultural setting – Jo Gordon, Director of Daniel’s Den
Toddler groups provide a unique window of opportunity in this nation to build bridges and increase our understanding of one another. Find out how you can create a better culture of understanding and awareness among your toddler group.
Workshop 5 (a.m.) Introducing Diddy Disciples; the principles – Sharon Moughtin-Mumby – mum of three, priest, author of Diddy Disciples
Understand the origin of Diddy Disciples and the principles behind the resources. Explore these resources. This workshop is also useful for anyone who would like to reflect on their own ways of opening up spaces for the youngest children to take part in worship.
Workshop 6 (p.m.) Diddy Disciples; a sample session – Sharon Moughtin-Mumby
This second workshop takes the group through a sample session, using videos and photographs. It also introduces how to go about building your own Diddy Disciples session from the materials in the books and on the website.
Workshop 7 (p.m.) Spirituality in Under 5s – Lucy Waterman, Love Early Years
Look at the research and consider how we nurture young children’s emerging spirituality. Do the spaces and activities we provide in Early Years settings and churches help children to develop spiritually? Discuss the importance of attachment for young children’s spiritual development.
Workshop 8 (p.m.) …They just play with the box – Jo Wetherall, Diocesan Children and Families Officer
Young children learn most and their brains develop more fully when they explore/play with things which aren’t toys, Heuristic Play. Explore the use of treasure boxes and tuff spots/trays in exploratory learning and invitations to play. Look at incorporating Bible stories, Christian values and festivals.
Lunch and refreshments provided. Please advise of any specific dietary requirements.
Cost: £10 per person to a maximum of £30, more people may attend but you only pay for three places per toddler group or church. To book either download brochure or use the online booking form. Before booking, each attendee needs to select one morning and one afternoon workshop to attend.
Please note: Workshops 3, 7 and 8 are full and closed to new bookings.